Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ambassador Testimony - Jay Person

Being at HOBY has been not only life changing, but it changed my view on things. I have never been quiet nor have I been shy, but I have also never been one to just burst out into cheers and just go up to random people and say hi and give them a hug. HOBY has been an amazing experience, and I am absolutely honored that my school had deemed me worthy to go and represent them. 

One thing that will always stick with me that I have learned from HOBY is having no regrets. You can't control the past, but you can control your present and future. My time at HOBY has been an amazing thing with all of the epically awesome new friends that I have met, and I am hoping that next year, I can come back as a Junior Facilitator and possibly do for others what my JF and SF (Senior Facilitator) have done for me. Now as my time at HOBY has come to an end—for now— so shall this.  As Kara Silvey stated "This may seem like the end, but it is only the beginning."

— Jon-Michael "Jay" Person

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