Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Largest HOBY HUG in HISTORY!

The Largest HOBY HUG in HISTORY!

Well, we aren’t sure, but as far as we are concerned it is!  Let’s tell you the story. . .

First, let us tell you what a HOBY HUG is.  It is a gesture of kindness, whether in an email, a virtual message, or something inspirational on a piece of paper.  Different seminars do them in different ways. . .and at HOBY Texas North, our volunteer staff decorates larger index cards with drawings, stickers and most importantly, an inspirational message.  These “hugs” are sold for typically $1 during the seminar and people will buy them and give the “hug” to someone special.  It is a wonderful tradition and gesture and we take the money and put it towards the following year’s seminar.

This year, when our LSC was going through the registrations, she noticed that we had an Ambassador coming from West, Texas.  For those who may not know, on April 17th, a fertilizer plant blew up killing at least 15 people, injuring over 200 more, and destroying many homes in the area surrounding the blast.  She met with the volunteer leadership and decided that this year, instead of taking HOBY HUG money and putting it towards next year’s seminar, they would donate it to a local West, Texas charity that is helping residents recover in the aftermath.  During the weekend, without telling anyone of their plans, they managed to raise close to $300 which ironically is about $1 for every Ambassador, alum and volunteer at the seminar. 

HOBY Texas North "HOBY HUGS"
On Sunday, the plan was to bring the student from West, Texas up on stage to talk about his school and their experience and then to give him, along with his family the check to take back with them to their community.  As the junior staff was told of the plan and started to craft a very large check for the presentation, one young man – himself a HOBY alum who had just graduated from high school the night before, told fellow volunteers “we can do better.”  So with that, they took it upon themselves to make what we believe is the LARGEST HOBY HUG in history!  During the presentation, they went up on stage along with the Ambassador from West, Texas and his family and auctioned it off, raising another $150. . .making it also the MOST EXPENSIVE/VALUABLE HOBY HUG in history!  Rounding up the sales of all of the HOBY HUGS, a total of $500 was donated that day to a very surprised and thankful Ambassador, now an alum of HOBY, to his community in West, Texas.

The point of the story is less about the potential of a record being set, in fact that really isn’t the point at all.  The point is more about defining what HOBY is, what HOBY does, how HOBY impacts.  HOBY is about empowering others through actions, it is about leading while serving others most in need, and it is about excelling in all that we do.  The creativity, passion and empathy. . .and the thoughtfulness of the contribution is what we hope to inspire and when we see it in action, this is our reward.  After serving 1551 volunteer service hours the day before, our volunteers and alumni came back the next day to yet again make a difference.  And the best news of the weekend is that here in HOBY Texas North, we have 200 more OUTSTANDING leaders who are poised and ready to make an impact!

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